بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم
I am Maimoonah.
This blog is my Radinat Space, and I hope you like it.
I am eight years old, and going to be nine, Inshaa Allaah.
I have a little baby sister, who is, right now one week old.
I love crafting, reading, writing, playing, sewing, and reciting the Qu'raan.
I call my mother Ummi, and my father Abi.
Ummi cooks well, teaches me, sometimes plays with me, and does all what a mother should do.
Abi works hard to earn our living, and I think he has cut down a bit of work, to look after my sister.
My sister's name is Ramlah, and we named her that because the name was one of the wives of the Prophet, sallaahu alaihiwasallam, and she was the sister of Mui'awiyah,
radhiyallaahu anhuma, and daughter of the Sahabah Abu Sufyan.
I also was named Maimoonah because the name belonged to a wife of the Prophet,sallaahu alaihiwasallam, and Maimoonah was the last wife of the Prophet,sallaahu alaihiwasallam.
My mother has a blog too, click here,
I love pets~the favorite one is a lovely rabbit. Here are some photos of Nature.
Birds are the next best, and I love to see them. I never see them at my bird feeder, but the food disappears continuously!
I hope you like my radiant adventures, with sewing, reading, and others.
Look forward to different posts from me, and I will share my writings, interests, projects, and more.
السلام عليكم