Tuesday, December 26, 2017

My Mother's Blog

                                                                 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Assalaamu Alaikum everyone, I have some amazing things Ummi did to show you. First of all, she's having... Can you guess? Well... 
Now can you guess? YES! 

She is having online Workshops and Courses! Wouldn't you like to join? It would include making posters and quizzes! I cannot remember the rest... 

Are you thinking that I have joined too? Well... who's there to look after Ramlah??? She won't wait in one place, she can't, won't and shan't read quietly, sit and wait quietly! 

Details: please scroll right down. 

I hope you will join! Insha Allaah!!!

So now, for the DETAILS! I won't put all here, but I'll put the link so you can visit and Insha Allaah you will make up your mind to go to Ummi's class! First, you need to ask your mum or your dad of course. 

Please read the WHOLE of Ummi's post. Thanks!

The link is:

Please follow instructions on Ummi's post. 

By the way, Abi designed the pictures and Ummi did the text! (It's a lot of hard work, mind you!)

Jazzakumullaah Khayrun,

Maimoonah bint Abdullaah 

Friday, November 17, 2017

Al Khor Park!

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

السلام عليكم

Finally, we went to Al Khor (or Al Khore) park in Qatar. 

We set off at 2:00 I think, and just as we started, there was a noise that seemed to come from my left foot. It got louder and louder and whenever Abi stopped the car, the noise stopped too. What could it be? He looked and looked at the car, even got out of it and gave all the tires a kick. He even looked under the car, where the dicky (or the boot) was. But it seemed there was nothing wrong, so we continued. As soon as Abi started the car, the noise began, this time louder. I was frightened and made a lot of dua but Ramlah just smiled and laughed as if there wasn't anything missing. She even pulled my hair and stamped on my thigh. Uncomfortable!!! But anyway, the noise was really loud and I was really scared now and I made more dua... He called someone, and I guess we were heading to Wuqood, the petrol station. But now it was slow, ticking like a clock, even like a bomb. Aha, a bomb, I thought, but it was not so. It was ever so slow, one per 4 seconds I think, and it was terrifying to hear. Abi went as slowly as possible, but that noise was hurting my ears, and my heart was pounding. We stopped a lot so it was slow. Ummi said our trip today was put off, but anyway, read on! The noise was frightening everybody, Subhanallaah! 
Abi finally stopped our car, got down and looked under the car, seeing the wheel that was fixed onto his seat. He opened our door and told us that the tire was ripping apart. Ripping apart. Ripping apart!! Soon we were beside a car and the man inside it looked really alarmed. His window shutter was open, that's how he can hear it! Well, Abi stopped the car and got down and talked to the man. I guess they were discussing where the nearest petrol station was. He came back and had a knife in his hand. (brr)!! He looked under again and seemed to be cutting the tire apart. He was not, anyway and he returned the knife and came back with a cut piece of the tire. That was the one making so much noise. Anyway, we went really fast to the petrol station, much faster than before. But still the tire was ripping apart and it needed a change. We hurried to the petrol station and they were just going to change the tire with us inside when Abi stopped them and told us to go to Al Meera. Al Meera!? Subhanallaah!!! There is no Al Meera in this petrol station!! Well, there was an Al Sidra store there anyway. We walked into it and put Ramlah's shoes on and let her run fast all over. She kept grabbing sweets and running away and I kept running after her and dragging Ummi's big bag which she had left on a table. I caught Ramlah and made her drop the sweets, so she ran in another direction. I caught up to Ummi and gave her the bag so I could run with Ramlah. She shopped too, and even ordered me a donut from Dunkin (or is it Dumpkin?) Donuts! But when Abi came, he paid for Cream Crackers, Oreos, Lemon Puffs, Milky Biscuits and Vinegar and Salt (or Sugar?) Potato Chips. No donut. : ( But anyway we soon got back to the car and sped out of the petrol station. It was now mended so we can go off. Alhamdulillaah!  Abi then asked us if we really want to go, we could not see the animals because it would be night time when we arrived. But I wanted to go anyway so we went, it was nice and cold. I had worn a lot of clothes so I was cool and warm at the same time. We lost the way as usual and Ummi had to put her Data on so she could check the location. We went around and around Al Khor places and looked for Al Khor Park. We found a lane and managed to hurry to it and we were soon there. Ramlah fell asleep and had to be woken up. She smiled at everything. So we parked and went to the gates, and we paid 15 riyals for the tickets. One person each cost 5 riyals. It would have been 20 riyals if Ramlah was my age. Children ages under 9 did not get a ticket and they did not have to pay Alhamdulilaah. Good! We saw a lot, even the train, but Ummi said it was disabled. She bought me Candyfloss which was a tasty sweet that was gone as soon as you put some into your mouth. It looked like wool or some stuffing. Then Abi bought Ummi some coffee and himself some tea. And also some cheese samosas. I ate 3 and Ramlah ate 3 and Ummi ate 2 and Abi ate 2 too. It was tasting so good. I ate the last bit of Ramlah's samosa. Masha Allaah it tasted really warm and good. Soon we went to the playground, and I saw the zip line. It was crowded and also I felt shy so I just did not go. Ramlah and I ran up some steps and Abi took her to a small slide and told me to catch her. So I went off the steps and ran fast and caught Ramlah. She giggled with delight, but we let Ramlah slide 3 more times. Then Abi took her to another slide, bigger and longer this time. She pushed her hands up and then slid down in a funny way, and I was waiting to catch her at the bottom. It was very good. We let her do that for 3 more times and then we went to a really long slide. We did not go up and down the steps to get there but Abi just put Ramlah on top and let her go. She loved it a lot. Then I went to the swing and swang a lot and we then left the playground. After a little while, I went back to the playground and swung again. I love swinging. We prayed and then Abi went off to take pictures I think. Ramlah then played football (oh yes I brought my football) with me. A boy even kicked it and ran away. Then she played football (not my ball) with an older boy who looked like he was 16 or 17. She loved it. He must have thought Ramlah was a boy, she looked like one, actually. We stayed a little while and I took out my camera to take some pictures. I took a few but when I looked to see them my album was blank. What had happened!? Then I tried to take one more and to my horror, I saw that I had left my memory card at home!!! Qadrallaah! I just put the camera and walked out of the gates with my family. So we were just going to our car, but my left foot hurt a lot and I could not lift it a lot. But I managed to get to the car and in a hours time, we were home. I was sleepy, but since we arrived at 8:39 I thought I better stay awake. But as we got to the gate, I needed to drag myself to our home because it hurt. But there wasn't any mark on my foot, but it hurt a lot. Then Abi looked at it and said I had to rest it. I ate club sandwichs in bed, it was a nice treat. I read a book until it ended then Ummi gave me panadol (eww, tastes horrible) and immediately after that, honey. Really, it tastes horrible! So I rested and rested and slept. 
Alhamdulilaah Al Khor Park is so fun. 
Assalaamu Alaikum 


Wednesday, November 08, 2017

Quran Journal

Salaams everyone, I did not put any Islamic things on my blogs for a long time, did I? I am feeling rather uncomfortable about it, and I would like to show you my new Quraan Journal. Actually, it is about a month old. I suppose I better share with you first some aayahs of the Quraan. First I will show you the picture on your right. I took it from Ummi's blog (actually I had done the post) and here is the link!  

One of the small notebooks with the purple bookmarks is the Quraan Journal. 
On your right, that stuff that looks like litter and rubbish, are my favorite stationery items. That is how I make fascinating Journals! 

My first page:

Ok, now I will show you some journaling hacks that will make you stare with your eyes popping out of their sockets! (Joking!) 

My favourite video

These are all on my mothers site:

Soon I will share some new Quraan Aayahs Insha Allaah. Enjoy the videos and do not forget to make your journal and send pictures on my email: maimoonah@leafwriter.com

Oh, and Ramlah is here, breathing down my neck! Say Salaams Ramlah!

Please comment and tell us how you liked it. "Assalaamu Alaikum," from Ramlah, "Assalaamu Alaikum!" from me!


Monday, November 06, 2017

Ramlah and Me!

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

السلام عليكم

My little sister Ramlah is really naughty now. She scribbles on the wall, floor and she uses pens to draw on herself! She really is a naughty baby. She is now 18 months (sadly not years) old. Another 6 months and yay! She will be a 2 year old. 

Masha Allaah, Ramlah can run fast now, and she falls less and she crawls less! Alhamdulilaah, she can say 'Allaah!' now. And she deepens the 'l's. Sometimes I want a new baby sibling but at other times I feel even one is too much. 

Ramlah knows how to open drawers and cupboards. Oh dear, she can be sometimes so naughty you need to stand aside and watch as your naughty sister demolishes your beautiful stationery, destroys your pens by COLORING with them, and such things like that.

But also she can be really sweet. When she falls sometimes she cries, and then her sweet little nose goes red! She chases me too. Ramlah loves to be chased also, and when she gets my pack of pens (the ones that are not yet spoilt) she runs when I see her. 

I need to chase after her, but when Abi calls her she has to come. Well... do you think you have heard enough of Ramlah? I do, anyway, let's just get to a new subject.

(Thinking what to say...)

Oh, ok, I thought of a new poem. It is put up here too. 

When it is dark it is light
When it is light it is dark
As light is for day when it is night
It would be dark.

In the dark blue sky when you heard the birds of the night
They would be owls and mice and rats along with cats
When it is dark you are in the light, that's the meaning.
When you wake up at dawn and it is light you are in the dark

It means that you understand in the night better than in the day,
Whatever it is, you can enjoy the whole year round,
From spring to summer to fall to winter
As it is, dazzling December to February,

Then cozy little March to May
And after that, sweaty June to August
And then October to November, okay?
(Have I got it correct?)

Ok! Let's change this subject! Today I am going to do a small quiz, you can comment with correct answers. 


A bat is the only mammal that can fly.
Bats have glittering bodies, like the Backlayhak.
Bears love to eat food, such as trees.
Salmon is a grizzly's food. 


What is a tiger?

  • A Mammal
  • A fierce mammal that eats cherries
  • A beautiful creature who sleeps in the day
  • A fierce mammal that can hunt very well
A cheetah finds three steel things arranged in a row. Inside the first one, there is a morsel of some rotten liver (ew). The second one has a lovely fish inside. The last one has a fishtail inside it. The cheetah chose the first and the last ones from the row and ate what was inside, but did not touch the best fish. Why not?

  • Because the fish was poisoned
  • The fish had smelt as if it was poisoned but it wasn't and the others were
  • Because the cheetah was wise and left the middle one all alone, because it was poisoned
  • Because the cheetah was wise and left the middle one all alone, because it knew that it was steel and it was a real trap and the other steel things were false traps that would not hurt. 

Please comment with the correct answers...

Maimoonah T.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Welcome Back!

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

السلام عليكم

So I wanted to tell you a lot of things, but we were so busy that I couldn't tell you. Anyway, here are the things:

  1. Carnival coming up on me and my friend's blog. Stay tuned to it for the arrival!   
  2. Ramlah is now 17 months. Can't wait for her to be 2 years!
  3. We have an old iPad. Ramlah calls it 'Baba' because there are pictures and videos of me in it when I was about 5 years!
  4. Also, Ramlah likes the iPad too much, so we really try to give it 2 times a week! 
  5. I may give you a flip through of October and a sneak-peek for November!


Because it helps you to remember the months and all the days of the week if you are forgetful! And also writing about nature and doing a qura'an notebook will give you rewards! Let's get a notebook and see! 

Assalaamu Alaikum everyone! 


Monday, October 16, 2017

A blog and Arabic Class Meetup

Assalaamu Alaikum everyone!

Me and my friend Zainab have decided to make a series of books and a blog to go with it. It will be a fun site for all of us insha allaah.



Ohh and I forgot to tell you something else:

I had an Arabic Class every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Today I had a MEETUP at Ezdan Mall at the Food Court. It was fun! We talked about things in the house and stuff like that. Also we had lunch!

Alhamdulilaah it was fun.


Classira Carter

Assalaamu Alaikum,

Aisha's book is on the way..... Here is a chapter of the book (it is for Zainab and everyone):

Classira Carter


By Maimoonah Thadhani

A normal day. A bad end.
When I wake up in the morning I feel super normal. It’s a bright, sunny day. A wonderful start to a normal day. But is it?

My name is Classira Carter. Oh one thing, my name makes you think of either school or horses right? That’s right. A new thing is that I’m super-crazy about school and when I grow up I want to be a horse teacher. Oops. I mean I want to be a horse riding teacher!

I am almost 12 years old. Or if you want to say it this way, I am 11 and half years old!

“Wake up! You are late for school!” says my mom. I sit up hurriedly. “What!?” But Mom has disappeared from the room. The worst thing about this room is there’s no clock. The clock is downstairs and now I could be late for school. So I can’t laze about in the sun.

So I get up and brush my teeth and wash. Then I make breakfast. By the time I get to the dining table, breakfast is made and mom is reading her letters. Her face is concerned and buried in the letter. It makes me worried.

By the way, my mom’s real name is Cassie Carter, but as you know, I call her Mom!

It’s just 8:00. To be exact it’s 8:28.

Phew. But I could miss the 8:35 bus. I pack my lunch and yell goodbye to my mom. No answer. She always answers unless… unless she’s PACKING.

“Hey, Classira! Where are you today?” shouts my local bully, Jean McGonnell. “Nowhere!” I say as I walk past. I don’t know what gets into me.

I left her glaring at me with a terrible smile, which isn’t very nice. So school is normal the whole day, which is very nice.

I can fry peas and cook vegetables. And my mom thinks that’s good. And I don’t. Actually, what’s the use of cooking? You can get food from outside!

Then I walk back home. There was nobody there. My jaw was hanging open, it was so scary! House is clean and tidy. Then dishes are washed. The table was tidy.

Except for a letter and a note:

To CC from CC.

Classira I need you to go to the local grocery store. Give the letter to the person in charge. Then he will put you up to delivering pea pods and frying vegetables.  Don’t worry about me being not there.


So then I pick up the letter and run to the grocery store. The manager put me in 3 tasks.

1. Daytime: Deliver pea-pods
2. Night time: Fry Beetroot and cut Lettuce
3. Anytime: Clean store.

Terrible tasks, right?

Sunday, October 08, 2017


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

السلام عليكم

I have decided on just one winner since there was only 2 who entered the giveaway. 

I drew lots and the winner was Aisha. Soon Insha Allaah I will give her the book. 

Zainab will get one chapter of the book and she can continue it for her own Insha Allaah. And all her family will get something too. 

The quiz answers and poems will come up after this post-Insha Allaah. 

Assalaamu Alaikum!


Assalaamu Alaikum everyone. These are the poems of every participant:

The old building is empty and bare,
Yet smoke comes from the chimney, I thought there lived only a hare,
No, I hear neighs in the dusty stall, from a young mare,
But when I enter, it is just empty and bare,

I come to the old building late at night,
And guess what I saw, an eerie light,
I’m not scared so I walk towards it,
But when I look in, I see nothing but an old pit.

Next day I come again,
And what do I hear, nothing but a clucking hen,
I look in the henhouse, but its now an animal’s den,
When will I solve the mystery, oh when?

Then I remember I am just dreaming,
Old memories come back, and then leaving,
The old building is empty and bare,
Yet smoke comes from the chimney, I thought there only lived an old mother hare.

Zainab E

Tuesday, October 03, 2017

October Journaling

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

السلام عليكم

I have decided to make a journal that is simple, has reminders, is a sort of a diary, and is so fun to make. 

Here is the chosen journal: 

In the first page, there is a pocket. I use it to keep my 'notes' and then whenever you want you can write something on them and then paste it on a page. It is a handy item!

So the 1st page looks like this:

And at the bottom, I have put all my events. I did not go for the Sunday event. Anyway, it was geometry, which I don't like a lot. But tomorrow is the sword making, insha allaah we will go. 

Hmm these are some things that I would like to have, but then, I put them to cover smugdes. 

This is the next page. It is reminders. I will add more insha Allaah. 

These are the days that I may be free. 

Oh, and did I mention that I put in a monthly ad? That's just for fun : )


Oh, these are for next week's What Do You Have To Do. 

Now for the diary parts: Sunday a sunny day

Monday a morning day.

Tuesday a tulip day. 


So that's all for now. Just keep in mind - the winners of my giveaway are due to come up on the 6th or the 7th. Hurry up and enter!


Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Latest News and Giveaway!

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

السلام عليكم

Sorry that I did not post much for a long time. So much news alhamdulillaah. Ramlah is now 17 months old. She loves to play with me - games like What's The Time Mr Fox, Hide and Seek (she's the one who finds me of course) and tag. 

Whats the time Mr Fox? is a game that somebody is the fox (either me or Ramlah) and the other person (s) stands at one side of the room then the fox stands at the other side and the fox's back is facing the other people. Then the other person (s) ask Whats the time Mr Fox. The fox says either 1 o'clock or 2 or 3, 4, 5, 6, 7... the fox can say the numbers until 12 o'clock. Then at a chosen time, when the person (s) asks what's the time Mr Fox the fox shouts DINNERTIME and turns around then chases the others. The next person to be caught will be the new Fox. 

So we do a different version, one of the players being a baby of course!

Well, I have been inspired by Ummi's giveaway (ended of course) here and here. So I have decided that I will do one myself and giveaway one book to each winner (there will be 3 winners.) 


  1. Enter the quiz here.
  2.  Share this post with at least 5 friends in whatever way you like.
  3.  Only kids can do it.
  4.  Write a 10 line poem and send to maimoonah@leafwriter.com
  5.  Please note that everybody's poems will be put up in one big post. 
  6. Comment below with your name and say DONE.

Winners will be announced on October 2017 on Friday or Saturday (6/7) 

Insha Allaah!!!!

Assalaamu Alaiku


Saturday, September 16, 2017

Fury and the Beach thief

Assalaamu Alaikum. sorry that I haven't posted Fury for a long time:

Carlotta and Alice go to the beach and fall into a mystery: Who ate the barbecue?  Who stamped in the towel? Is it dogs or cats? For you to find out:





Maimoonah Thadhani

Where’s Alice!
“FURY, FURY, WHERE ARE YOU!” Carlotta yelled one morning as she raced to the stable. She was greeted with a huge whinny, “Neigghh!” Carlotta opened the stable door, not showing Fury (because Fury could open gates and doors!) as she opened.

She shut it and read out the box list.
“Photos of you, grooming kit, shell… wait not shell because there is shells at the seaside! Mini Speaker urmmm… Torch, purse, fast food.”

So she packed all in her huge rucksack with pictures on it. There was a picture of the seaside, a picture of the Borneo Rainforest, and a picture of New York City.

Carlotta’s last adventure was with a kidnapped girl named Alice, whom she rescued. And as a reward she had got a trip to the seaside with Alice for 1 week, and a new saddle, which she was going to take to the seaside.

And she would be going all alone with Alice. And Fury.

After she packed she went to find Alice. Alice’s things were on the floor, and she was watching a program! “Alice! 20 minutes more!” cried Carlotta, her eyes wide open!

“But we are going in the midnight train!” Alice said. “Nooooo! The train is going at 12:00 PM!” Protested Carlotta.

“That’s right, hurry up, 18 minutes more!” Father called, peeking into the room.

Alice managed to pack quickly. She jumped and cleared up mess and packed.

Carlotta packed a bottle of spray. “What’s that?” Alice asked.

“You will soon know!”



They caught the train, got Fury in, and managed to get a seat. Phew!

In The Sea

3 HOURS PASSED by. 4 hours, then somebody told them to get off then.

“Ouch!” Alice yelled, as she got stung by a mosquito. Carlotta opened the bottle of spray and sprayed it on Alice. “That’s what I bought it for!” she winked.

Fury easily carried them to the beach area. “We make a tent here, and peg it in. Then we dig some holes there and we can rest there. And then rig up a flap.” Carlotta outlined her plans.  “Holes first, then on top of that, tent, and peg it in!” Alice said.
“Well, that’s a good idea, as long as we have light there!” Carlotta said. “Well, I brought light in my backpack. Let’s see some pictures now!”

“In Africa,” said Carlotta. She glanced at her rucksack.

“Drawing!” Alice said, pointing.

“That’s scary!” said Carlotta when Alice showed her a picture on Alice’s rucksack.

After that they waded out into the sea, as close as the island, Isle of Catnips. “I’m renting a boat and going there! It’s too deep for Fury!” yelled Carlotta.

“Nooooo! I had enough of islands!” Alice screamed. But as soon as Fury was stabled, Carlotta found a boat renting place. She rented one, and took it out to the waters. “Have fun with the boat, but don’t go to that Isle of Catnips!” the man there said.

“Why not?”

“Because, there are huge catnips all right!” said the man mysteriously. “Don’t go there!”

They left without a word but when they were out in the sea, Carlotta said, “I don’t believe what he said, did you, Alice?”

“It makes me scared, but I didn’t believe it…” Alice said.
“Rocks! Pick out the best route!” she cried suddenly.

Carlotta bent down on the wheel and the boat swerved so that they missed the rocks altogether. Alice grabbed a drawing book and started writing notes in it! “Wow, look what I’m doing!” she shouted over the roar of the motor.

“I’m writing my notes in my drawing book!”

“Hmm, draw something on your notebook!”

“You mean in!” corrected Alice.

Carlotta changed direction to the Isle of Catnips. “Stooooop!” screamed Alice. “Huh? I like that Isle!” Carlotta replied.

And nothing would make Carlotta change her mind.

The lynx
They got on the island and wondered where to go. “That way!” exclaimed Alice, pointing left. “You are only saying that because there’s a sign saying ‘Do Not Go Right, Go Left!’!” Carlotta said.

“Oh please, Mom said not to go where there is danger!” Alice whined.
“Hmm, there’s no danger where there is Fury I think!”

“You forgot, we don’t have Fury!”

“Right, if you are in trouble just scream in this!” Carlotta produced 2 identical Mini Speakers.

They walked off two different ways, Alice left and Carlotta right.

Carlotta moved closer and closer to the spot where she had seen a furry blob before. Suddenly there was a blood-curdling scream that made Carlotta so rigid with fright that she did not think of her mini Speaker.

A big cat with ears so unusual leapt forth. Its teeth were bared in a snarl and it was shining and bright.  

And then, a scream, magnified over 3 thousand times came from the left. It startled the caracal (what Carlotta thought it was) and distracted it so that Carlotta could run away.

She jumped up a tree, rather roughly, for she hadn’t learnt to climb yet. “There’s a snake and now it’s a bob cat!” a voice hissed from above. Alice smiled down at Carlotta and Carlotta mouth dropped open in amazement.

“You screamed for a snake!!?” Carlotta looked surprised. “You didn’t scream for a bobcat!?” asked Alice with a surprised face, and then she realized what she said was silly.

“No I didn’t and we had to better make a run for it!” said Carlotta.

They jumped then ran.


        §        Towel
        §        Cookies
        §        Whole barbecue

All that was gone when they escaped from the island.

The problem was, who would be greedy enough to want a whole chicken? Cookies for kids…. Nope but there was no kids on the beach.

Towel? Hmm that could be a bather who borrowed and didn’t give back. 

The above was Carlotta’s notes. They found the packet of cookies half devoured. Apparently the person who ate it didn’t like cookies. Or animals. Animal!?

Tooth marks. It could be a dog. Then we found the missing towel on the beach covered in muddy claw marks and tooth marks. Then we could see smelly bones of chicken remaining and the last time we saw it was a dog was snuffing it up.

So it was a dog alright?

Hmm no because:

“Look at that, Carlotta!”

“Trap worked!”

“I was so sure it was the bobcat!”

“Not the bobcat. It’s a caracal!”

“Wait a min it’s a real live tiger!”

“It’s no caracal, it’s no tiger, and it’s no bobcat!”

“Then what is it?” asked Alice.

“It’s a Lynx!” Carlotta said simply.

Yes and it was the beach thief whom Fury hated. It was the Lynx of the Beach.

The End
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