بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم
Yesterday I decided to make some Rock Buns. Now, I didn't think of making Rock Buns at all, but I was browsing every post from Crafty Muslimahs, and I came up on this. Rock Buns. So at about 5:00 PM I started making it, and I had done the first steps when I realized I had no dried fruit. So I took some baking chocolate sitting in the fridge for some weeks and chopped it up into fair-sized bits.

Then I followed the rest of the instructions and in total I had to put six on a glass tray, and it was three batches, so I made 18 rock buns in total. It says 9-10 rock buns, but I made mine half small, half large, so it was mixed up.
This is actually the first time baking alone (no help from Ramlah or Ummi, just some occasional help from Abi whenever I felt nervous about the oven) that I managed not to cut myself or burn myself too much haha. (I'm careful, but not when I'm not careful).

I would definitely recommend this as a good recipe for little kids to make. That is, if you don't mind them really getting messy with their hands (unless you have an ice cream scoop, which we don't)!
Now for the next: a craft!
Again, this is from Crafty Muslimahs, and I would certainly recommend it as it makes hardly any mess at all. Even if you don't like glitter and have about six big bottles of it stored in your craft cupboard, this is a great craft to make for a gift. The problem is, I didn't follow the instructions and used ordinary clear tape instead of double-sided tape. It did keep coming off and I think I need to hot-glue it on or something. That is, if the clear sheets don't melt halfway...
This is what theirs looked like...

...and this is what mine looked like.
Honestly how different, I really think Crafty Muslimahs looked better. I mean, using a red notebook with a green feather and some green and gold glitter and some sequins? And of course, in the night with no natural light and a shaky camera. But it does look good with natural light.
To do this project, click on the link below.
Well, that's it for now... or not?
This is a picture of how the sky looked in Qatar at 12:00 PM, the day it rained. We were blowing bubbles outside. Also the sun was pretty bright so I couldn't see what pictures I took.
Assalaamu Alaikum
Maimoonah T