Wednesday, March 03, 2021

Completed Cross-Stitch Piece

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 

 السلام عليكم

I completed the cross-stitch piece around 6-7 months ago alhamdulillaah.

That's how it looks framed (or stretched??) and hung. Bit blurry, I know!

For the frame (not quite the frame), I used a chocolate box. It's now lidless, because I used the lid, not the actual box. 

Then I folded the Aida cloth and pressed it firmly, it's quite easy to crease. After that, I glued the cloth sides down. 

Then I used a (binder?) clip to clamp the sides while they dried. It wasn't long though, only about seven minutes. I love UHU glue!

I also glued down the ends of the cloth. Then, I removed the clips and hung it on the wall! Yes, I know, the picture below isn't of it hanging on the wall, and it still has clips on. But it's the only (vaguely) good picture I have of the piece.

I'm working on another, different piece at the moment, it's for my friend on Eid, Inshaa Allaah. I've already done half, and all I have to do now are the top leaves and a few flowers that kinda resemble carnations.

I know I haven't posted anything for like, a year and four months, but I didn't really feel like writing. However, my brain has gotten refinetuned again, if that even makes sense. 

I need to find topics to talk about, though. It's hard to find stuff that is interesting for people, because maybe what I like is what you find weird or just not your taste. I understand that people apparently like to hear about Ramlah and what she does/is doing. Well, that kind of stuff got more views for some reason! 

I find her incredibly annoying and frazzling, since she's five in April, she might calm down a bit. She likes talking to herself and pretending she's about seven or eight people at the same time. Seven or eight siblings would be much less work to handle, honestly.

I'm glad locks were invented. I wish someone would invent mouth-locks, though.

Anyway, I have to go, I'll work on the Ramlah post even though I would rather not lol

Assalaamu Alaikum
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