Sunday, December 30, 2018

Crocheting #2

   بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم 

Apparently crocheting is a great hit - 
save image I got some 'advertising'... no I didn't ask for it haha!
On with the post.
I said I'd do another crocheting post, didn't I? Well - here it is - and with a lot of more crocheting videos.
 Warning 2: This is for more advanced beginners. You might need to know the basic stitches - chain stitch, single stitch, double stitch, triple stitch and maybe Tunisian stitch.
That's only some of the thousands of projects you can do! Maybe you can even crochet a blanket for a baby or yourself! Warning - it's a bit hard but don't give up. I finished my cushion in almost three days (9-13 hours). 
If you haven't learned the other stitches, you can check out this post. Um... happy crocheting!
Maimoonah T

Wednesday, December 19, 2018


   بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

السلام عليكم 

Have you ever heard of crocheting? If you haven't, you're missing out! Crocheting is NOT about getting crotchety, it's an art to do with yarn and a crochet hook. I am posting video tutorials below. Just scroll down!

It's similar to knitting, except knitting is done with two needles, not a crochet hook.
Image result for crocheting

Image result for chair coverThe two basic beginner stitches are the Chain Stitch and the Single Stitch. You might have also heard of the Double Stitch or the Triple Stitch or the... Tunisian Stitch? Uh, you might know it better by Afghan Stitch.

I've only tried the basic stitches. But I will try the rest inshaa Allaah.

I have done some practice making a scarf, then pulling the stitches out again. Currently I am trying to make a cover for the chair...

 Not this kind of cover, but something like it. I am using a kit that comes with 2 yarn skeins, so inshaa Allaah I will have some yarn left over after this project. Currently I'm on row 3... each row took me 15 minutes.

Wait. CHANGE OF PLAN. I turned it into a small cushion instead! Haha!

 The kit is:

Learn To Crochet - Quincrafts.
Image result for learn to crochet quincraft
I wouldn't really recommend it as it gives a 'kiddie' hook and not the real thing, so you are better off with some yarn and a REAL crochet hook.
The instructions aren't really clear for a beginner visual like me, I had to look at some Youtube videos before I could understand it.

If you decide to start crocheting, or have already begun and you're stuck... (like me) then I can provide you with a whole list of videos.

Age I'd recommend for you to start: 8+. Younger children might not understand the stitches as it is a bit complicated. I started only now hehe!

I started by watching these videos. I decided to ignore the instructions in the kit, and began my own sample.

Amid many frustrations I managed to create a successful chain stitch. I struggled only because I always do things like these with my hand, not with a hook...!


Helpful Tips:

  • Every person is different. Even identical twins. So, if you are holding the crochet hook the wrong way, and you're comfortable, don't worry... I hold it at the top! 
  • Even holding the yarn - there's a few ways to do it. Sometimes when I'm doing VERY tricky work, I sweat, so if you're like me you might want it not to touch your fingers. Watch these videos above and see if you can pick up some ways to hold your yarn.
  • I suggest you don't start right away a project. Do a practice sample and pull the yarn out in the end so you don't waste it. That's what I did.
  • Lastly, I struggled with the slipknot. The easiest way to learn it - find a pair of earphones and practice on them. Be sure not to tie it too tightly - or you might not be able to remove the knot!
See you soon inshaa Allaah!

Assalaamu Alaikum
Maimoonah T
P.S: Look out for more crocheting posts - coming soon Inshaa Allaah!

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Book Recommendation #1

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

السلام عليكم

Image result for book recommendation
I have decided to make a Book Recommendation Series, uh, every month? Maybe every two weeks as I cannot remember every single book I have read... Plus it's just not book recommending, it's also reviews! If you want to find more of these Book Recommendations *If you are reading this a month later, then click on the tag 'Book Recommendations'.

Book #1

The Boxcar Children


Image result for the boxcar children book 1

The Aldens begin their adventure by making a home in a boxcar. Their goal is to stay together, and in the process they find a grandfather.

This was my all-time favourite when I was about 6 or 7 years old. This is dedicated to grades 2 to 6 and older children who have difficulty in reading, yet want a longer story to read without struggling.
The author didn't mean to write a whole series, but more and more letters from her fans made her reconsider it. The story was set in... well I don't know, but it's almost a hundred years old, I think.
Caution, the original series are only up to 19 books! The others are more... modern, I feel. I don't know why, but reading the non-originals made me NOT satisfied and very uncomfortable.

I would recommend this ages 6+.

Book #2

Black Beauty

Image result for black beauty oxford 

 Black Beauty spends his youth in a loving home, surrounded by friends and cared for by his owners. But when circumstances change, he learns that not all humans are so kind. Passed from hand to hand, Black Beauty witnesses love and cruelty, wealth and poverty, friendship and hardship . . . Will the handsome horse ever find a happy and lasting home?

 I have had this book for many, many years! I cannot count the number of times I have read it, nor can I count the times I have looked at the cover illustration. I loved every paragraph of it!
It is meant for older children or very young adults. I suppose the age is... hmm, 8-13 but... the full version IS very sad, so if you're looking for a normal, no tears (not that anyone cried) book, then the book for you is the shorter version. I recommend Ladybird Classics. I have both short version and long version Alhamdulillaah. Note: this book is VERY old. Probably in the late 18th century.

The age I will recommend this is 7 to 12.

Book #3

The Adventure Series
Image result for the adventure series by enid blyton 

The Adventure Series by Enid Blyton, an English children's author, is a series of eight children's novels. These books feature the same child characters: Philip, Jack, Dinah, and Lucy-Ann, along with several adult characters. Jack's pet parrot, Kiki, is also a standard feature in each novel.

These books are great favourites of mine. I used to read two novels per day... until I ran out of books. This is appropriate for all ages. I believe Enid Blyton hasn't written any non-appropriate books, except for magic. I think the reason why it's called the adventure series is because after every word 'ship' 'sea' 'island' there are two words 'of adventure'.
I recommend reading them in order, but you don't really need to. You can read the first book, then the last book, then the fifth book, and so on in this order. 
I think a good age for these novelettes is 9+, as younger readers might not understand the plots fully. No, I'm not being negative! : )

Well, that's it for now, 3 or 4 books coming up next two weeks inshaa Allaah!

Try to guess what the next post will be about! Hint: it is something handmade yet looks machinemade.

Assalaamu Alaikum
Maimoonah T
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