بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم
Have you ever heard of crocheting? If you haven't, you're missing out! Crocheting is NOT about getting crotchety, it's an art to do with yarn and a crochet hook. I am posting video tutorials below. Just scroll down!
It's similar to knitting, except knitting is done with two needles, not a crochet hook.

I've only tried the basic stitches. But I will try the rest inshaa Allaah.
I have done some practice making a scarf, then pulling the stitches out again. Currently I am trying to make a cover for the chair...
Not this kind of cover, but something like it. I am using a kit that comes with 2 yarn skeins, so inshaa Allaah I will have some yarn left over after this project. Currently I'm on row 3... each row took me 15 minutes.
Wait. CHANGE OF PLAN. I turned it into a small cushion instead! Haha!
The kit is:
Learn To Crochet - Quincrafts.

I wouldn't really recommend it as it gives a 'kiddie' hook and not the real thing, so you are better off with some yarn and a REAL crochet hook.
The instructions aren't really clear for a beginner visual like me, I had to look at some Youtube videos before I could understand it.
If you decide to start crocheting, or have already begun and you're stuck... (like me) then I can provide you with a whole list of videos.
Age I'd recommend for you to start: 8+. Younger children might not understand the stitches as it is a bit complicated. I started only now hehe!
I started by watching these videos. I decided to ignore the instructions in the kit, and began my own sample.
Amid many frustrations I managed to create a successful chain stitch. I struggled only because I always do things like these with my hand, not with a hook...!
Helpful Tips:
- Every person is different. Even identical twins. So, if you are holding the crochet hook the wrong way, and you're comfortable, don't worry... I hold it at the top!
- Even holding the yarn - there's a few ways to do it. Sometimes when I'm doing VERY tricky work, I sweat, so if you're like me you might want it not to touch your fingers. Watch these videos above and see if you can pick up some ways to hold your yarn.
- I suggest you don't start right away a project. Do a practice sample and pull the yarn out in the end so you don't waste it. That's what I did.
- Lastly, I struggled with the slipknot. The easiest way to learn it - find a pair of earphones and practice on them. Be sure not to tie it too tightly - or you might not be able to remove the knot!
Assalaamu Alaikum
Maimoonah T
P.S: Look out for more crocheting posts - coming soon Inshaa Allaah!
It's been so long since I last crocheted; I'm sure I've forgotten everything! Maryam is the best at it, masha'Allah(even better than our mum - don't tell her that, lol).
Your cushion looks great! I love the colour too.
Masha Allaah! Yes... you have to keep in practice or you have to study it again lol!
Mashaa Allaah, you should really do a post on your blog about crocheting and your projects! Can't wait to see it if you do. I'm wondering what project to begin next! I don't want to make a scarf because the weather isn't that cold.
Jazzakallaah Khayr, Hanifah -
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