بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم
I'm not going to post a picture but you can look it up - it's called pink eye infection and... well, I've got bacterial something-or-the-other AND virus. I have no idea why I've got TWO types of infection, but I have, so there's nothing I can do except make du'aa and take eye drops as prescribed. My head hurts - it's the first headache I've ever got Subhanallaah!
Enough about my sickness. I wanted to do a post but I was bored - I wanted to do so many impossible things, limited art supply in the house, etc etc. And I can't make any food because there's ten chances to one I'll cough and sneeze in it and well, I don't feel like cooking. It'll be like a chore and the poor food wouldn't like that!
By the way I've changed my Blogger Profile, you can check it out here.
Eh, where was I? Um, yeah the posts. (So far about 20 grammar mistakes to my surprise).
I decided to share some of the competitions I have won - with poem writing!!
I know, poem writing might not be popular, but when I was smaller I was VERY good at it, but not to boast, I wonder if I could do the better now? Probably not. We'll see later inshaa Allaah.
When I was... errrr.... When I was 2013. No, I mean... eh, 5 years old. No? I don't know how I made the poem, but I did. This was the first entry that won.

In case you can't read it, here it is:
Dahl Al Hamam Park
A Feeling of Bliss,
Happiness in this,
Bending trees greet me,
Cats eating popcorns,
Looking cheekily at me.
Little spooky woods,
Mysterious cave,
Grass like waves,
A sandy playground,
All make me laugh.
I adore....
sledding down the hills,
Rolling over with pals,
Picnic with family,
Feeding chirping birds,
play with sand
And dawdle back home
Thanking my Lord!
I remember asking Ummi, 'how do I write this - walk back home'? She suggested a lot of words and I remember choosing 'dawdle'.
I haven't visited Dahl-Al-Hamaam park for such a long time! It's my favourite. What's your favourite?
Another time, same sponsor, I submitted ARTWORK as well as a poem.

It wasn't really pretty but it was nice enough at that time. I still have a whole collection of things that I wrote and drew!!

Here it is.
Amazing Seabed
What do I see,
Under the sea,
Awesome rainbow fish,
fearsome great white shark,
Enormous blue whales,
Notorious Manta rays,
Scanning hammerhead sharks,
Snouting seahorses,
Stinging jellyfish,
Hiding on the coral reef,
Five armed starfish,
Dive and calm dolphins,
Rumbling sea volcanoes,
pouring out sea lava,
Amazing seabed,
gift for eyes!
This was my challenge in December 2013.

This is one of my favourites!
The Sky Like a Canopy
I see..............
Clouds like woolly sheep,
to cuddle and keep.
Sun like the yellow bright ball,
to play and crawl.
Moon like a rocking cradle,
to nest and label.
Twinkling stars like sequins,
to sprinkle the penguins.
Far away planets like tracing dots,
to doodle on the pots.
Flashing lightening like zig-zag,
to stop all our chit-chat
Colourful rainbow peeks out like an arch,
to go under and march.
Glory be to My Lord,
and hoping for His reward.
This was the last entry - March 2014.

Wild Animals of Qatar
Brown long sand snakes
moves through the sand dunes,
looking for its prey.
Fork Tongue Desert Monitor,
a metre long aggressive lizard,
ready to eat with a bite.
Ethiopian Hedgehog,
hiding in the rocks,
ready to fight a big snake.
Arabian Gazelle,
with a long pair of horns,
shows its thin frame.
A Kangaroo Cat,
comes out in the night,
to throw sand at the enemy.
Nocturnal Fox,
with bat like ears,
roaming the dunes in the dark.
Lonely Sand Cats,
living in the sand caves,
dig deep into the dunes for prey
One day I hope to see them all,
and praise the Lord of all.
And we were invited to the winning ceremony -

These were my prizes.

And here's the last best ever poem I wrote when I was 8 years old.

I have written a poem called 'Deep Blue', and Inshaa Allaah I will share it with you, I did this when I was just 5!
I am feeling a bit off now, so I think the post had better end now.
Assalaamu alaikum!
P.S: which was your fav?
Assalamu Alaikum!
We looked up the infection and the photos look horrible! Insha'Allah your eye is much better now.
Masha'Allah, your poems are really good - especially when considering your age at the time. I think our favourite is 'Amazing Seabed'. And in your poem 'The Sky Like a Canopy' the lines 'clouds like woolly sheep, to cuddle and keep' remind us of our cat!
- Hanifah and Zainab
و عليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته
Yes, that was one of the reasons I didn't put it on the post. (shivers) It is 99% gone now Alhamdulillaah!
Yes - I myself was surprised when I saw my mother's post about the poems on her own blog! (I keep reading about myself when I was really small!)
Alhamdulilaah, on the post she says when writing the Amazing Seabed poem I did some research with library books (if i remember right??) on the ocean.
I think my real favourite is The Sky Like A Canopy, and I guess cats are like 'woolly sheep'!
P.S: I'm commenting as Name/URL cause I'm on a different browser (that has a different Blogger) and I don't want to start up the other browser - usually gets the computer stuck.
Our cat is like a woolly sheep for two reasons. One: she is white and fluffy. Two: she is not that intelligent! Lol.
Alhamdulillah, we're glad you're feeling better.
Oh, lol. For some reason I was thinking of 'cuddling and keeping'!
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