بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم
I'm sorry for the extra long title... I didn't know what to put.
Well, I have taken a sudden interest in my... babyhood? No, uh... primary-hood? Anyway, I found some old journals (believe me, about ten notebooks). One is an orange book which I think we bought in Sri Lanka. I'm not sure. I was around 5 when we went.
I have it in front of me (I'm scanning the pages for a date). Oh, here's a date - on the almost-last page. 20/2/2. HUH? Ok. I'm giving it up! I know, I'll look on my mother's blog - she has a post on there.
*sighs* Found it. So.......... 25/3/2013. So, I would be 5+, but not quite 6.
Oh, and yeah I WAS in Sri Lanka! It says so in her post, and I remember writing letters to my friends : )! (This isn't going to make any sense, so check out her post)

Well, I have taken a sudden interest in my... babyhood? No, uh... primary-hood? Anyway, I found some old journals (believe me, about ten notebooks). One is an orange book which I think we bought in Sri Lanka. I'm not sure. I was around 5 when we went.
I have it in front of me (I'm scanning the pages for a date). Oh, here's a date - on the almost-last page. 20/2/2. HUH? Ok. I'm giving it up! I know, I'll look on my mother's blog - she has a post on there.
*sighs* Found it. So.......... 25/3/2013. So, I would be 5+, but not quite 6.
Oh, and yeah I WAS in Sri Lanka! It says so in her post, and I remember writing letters to my friends : )! (This isn't going to make any sense, so check out her post)

This is what I wrote in my orange journal.
Sri Lanka is a beautiful tiny island. There are many birds, green trees and nice flowers. And lots of flower pots too. I love them. You get homes. And butterflies. You get much fish in ponds. I love to visit Sri Lanka!
The flower pot thing wasn't really true, but the reason why I said that is because my grandma has a beautiful garden and even now she tends to it - with a lot of pots and flowers.
Same notebook, first post:
My Grandma's Garden
My grandma has a nice garden. There are lots of plants and flowers. There is a henna tree too. I love to play in the garden.
Oh, the henna tree. I think the henna tree in my grandma's garden doesn't exist any longer, it got infected or something. I'm not sure.
Here are some pictures of the garden!

These were taken by me with my Canon IXUS.
So this is turning into a photography post, which I don't want it to be this time, so, the next up is The Big Book Of Fun.
Living up to its name, it is a roleplay-book - kind of? It's like a game but you play it on paper. I got this in 2013. I'm not sure when. It has a lovely leather brown cover with some kind of air pocket I think.
Oh, I was 6 years old when I started it. No, I wasn't. Wait. It was in July, which meant I was still 5. Islaamically, 6 years old soon.
Here is the entry (not in neat handwriting):
This Is Who...? (arrow) Maimoonah.
This is Maimoonah and this is my note, book. I am six years old. I was born in September. Today is Ramadhaan. Now it is almost fair.
REMEMBER, empty a penny in the fun!
Have fun in the Big Book Of Fun!
Regarding the 'now it is almost fair', I meant I was almost 6. Haha!!
At first, it wasn't actually a roleplaying book. I wrote some sentences, drew some pictures and made a conversation.
"Look here! Look look!" (speech bubble said by the bird in stencil)
"What, what? It's a flower silly bird." (speech bubble said by 'me')
The second one was "How are you? Fine?" (Said by an 'adult')
"Good! Alhamdulillaah." (said by 'me')
The second conversation was inspired by a meeting in a mall haha!
It gradually turned into a roleplaying book when I finally learned how to 'forge' coins, which we call here 'dirhams'. Though what you do is put the coin under the page, and color on top of it with pencil or color pencils. Color pencils are what I usually use.
You use your finger to 'pick' up coins and either 'deposit' it into the 'bank' or buy things such as ponies, or visit the grocery store or even go to 'Eygypt'. Of course, I mean Egypt.
I did a few stories and Q&A on them 'just like my grammar books'!
I filled about half the book - and guess what! I still love roleplay books and play them!
I even had a trading centre and an eraser ready. Unfortunately, I had to give that idea up as the page got a bit stained near the 'penny count' area.
There ARE a few funny things I wrote. I'll try to find it.
'I love playing. Do you love?'
'I love hamsters a lot! You love?'
'Maimoonah had a lot of boots. A rot was fallen on a log.'
'I love to colour coins! And I love to buy them! Mmm!'
'Maimoonah. My name is Maimoonah. That's why I've put my name.'
That is all lol! Those are the ones that make me laugh. Especially the last one!
I am not going to put pictures because there will be 50 odd pages to photograph and I DO NOT want that. Period.
This isn't very colorful so let me look for a picture to end the post.
We made dahl in traditional clay pots (in sri lanka of course) with my grandmother supervising! I remember she even bought me my own clay pot to cook in!

The above is the result!

The above picture is a traditional pickle (not cucumber) called an achcharu you say it like this 'Achhhaaruu.'
That's it for this week inshaa Allaah,
Same notebook, first post:
My Grandma's Garden
My grandma has a nice garden. There are lots of plants and flowers. There is a henna tree too. I love to play in the garden.
Oh, the henna tree. I think the henna tree in my grandma's garden doesn't exist any longer, it got infected or something. I'm not sure.
Here are some pictures of the garden!
These were taken by me with my Canon IXUS.
So this is turning into a photography post, which I don't want it to be this time, so, the next up is The Big Book Of Fun.
Living up to its name, it is a roleplay-book - kind of? It's like a game but you play it on paper. I got this in 2013. I'm not sure when. It has a lovely leather brown cover with some kind of air pocket I think.
Oh, I was 6 years old when I started it. No, I wasn't. Wait. It was in July, which meant I was still 5. Islaamically, 6 years old soon.
Here is the entry (not in neat handwriting):
This Is Who...? (arrow) Maimoonah.
This is Maimoonah and this is my note, book. I am six years old. I was born in September. Today is Ramadhaan. Now it is almost fair.
REMEMBER, empty a penny in the fun!
Have fun in the Big Book Of Fun!
Regarding the 'now it is almost fair', I meant I was almost 6. Haha!!
At first, it wasn't actually a roleplaying book. I wrote some sentences, drew some pictures and made a conversation.
"Look here! Look look!" (speech bubble said by the bird in stencil)
"What, what? It's a flower silly bird." (speech bubble said by 'me')
The second one was "How are you? Fine?" (Said by an 'adult')
"Good! Alhamdulillaah." (said by 'me')
The second conversation was inspired by a meeting in a mall haha!
It gradually turned into a roleplaying book when I finally learned how to 'forge' coins, which we call here 'dirhams'. Though what you do is put the coin under the page, and color on top of it with pencil or color pencils. Color pencils are what I usually use.
You use your finger to 'pick' up coins and either 'deposit' it into the 'bank' or buy things such as ponies, or visit the grocery store or even go to 'Eygypt'. Of course, I mean Egypt.
I did a few stories and Q&A on them 'just like my grammar books'!
I filled about half the book - and guess what! I still love roleplay books and play them!
I even had a trading centre and an eraser ready. Unfortunately, I had to give that idea up as the page got a bit stained near the 'penny count' area.
There ARE a few funny things I wrote. I'll try to find it.
'I love playing. Do you love?'
'I love hamsters a lot! You love?'
'Maimoonah had a lot of boots. A rot was fallen on a log.'
'I love to colour coins! And I love to buy them! Mmm!'
'Maimoonah. My name is Maimoonah. That's why I've put my name.'
That is all lol! Those are the ones that make me laugh. Especially the last one!
I am not going to put pictures because there will be 50 odd pages to photograph and I DO NOT want that. Period.
This isn't very colorful so let me look for a picture to end the post.
We made dahl in traditional clay pots (in sri lanka of course) with my grandmother supervising! I remember she even bought me my own clay pot to cook in!

The above is the result!

The above picture is a traditional pickle (not cucumber) called an achcharu you say it like this 'Achhhaaruu.'
That's it for this week inshaa Allaah,
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