Thursday, November 21, 2019


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 

 السلام عليكم

I have done numerous things lately, alhamdulillaah.

1. I finished the cross-stitch pattern - I'm framing it soon inshaa Allaah and then I will put a picture.
This was what I last put up on the blog.

2. I read some books and maybe I'll put up a book recommendation soon.
3. Finished crocheting a cushion and I'm waiting to go to a store so I can get polyester stuffing. (Nope, I can't use a pillow for stuffing.)
4. A year back, I used an old book that had magic in it (my grandma gave it to me) and made it into a hollow book. I'll do a post on that soon, inshaa Allah!
It looks somewhat like this, but not as deep. My book was kind of thin. 
Image result for hollow book"
5. I finally got Scarlet and Ivy - The Lost Twin! I was thrilled to find it was cheap for such a thick book.
6. Our Peace Lily plant stopped putting lilies out, and some leaves are yellow. I guess this means it is NOT dying (I read that somewhere?) and in spring it will bloom again.
9. I baked cupcakes on Fridays for two weeks (I hope I'm going to stop before it turns into a month, I mean, who wants to eat cupcakes for most of the month? Some people do, but even I can't eat 12 cupcakes every week. Guess what, Ramlah doesn't like cupcakes unless I let her lick all the frosting off.)
10. The cupcakes are eggless because we are eggless for three or four weeks. (No, seriously. I forgot to inform Abi to buy eggs.)
OKAY, so I made this list around a month ago. 
So, I added it here, just so you know.
Anyway, when I was trying my hardest to sleep one night, I got an idea (I'm like that!). I didn't have anything to write it down, but I tried to remember it. And I did! 
I'm starting a 'quest'. 

Image result for quest"
Ok, so I guess everyone has at least five books (fiction or nonfiction) in their house. If they don't... well, I just guess they aren't 'everyone'. 

This is my idea (part 1):
1. I'll find a blank notebook (somehow).
2. I'll read a book and choose five words that I like.
3. Without looking up the meaning, I write what I think is the definition, but in my own words. 
4. Then, I check the dictionary and write below the dictionary's definition. 

My idea (part 2):
1. YOU read a book and choose five words you like.
2. Do the same as part 1.
3. Post a comment here with your definition and the book title. 

My idea (part 3):
1. I'll write YOUR definition as well, in my notebook.
2. I'll be updating the words on the blog once in a while.

My idea - THE END.

Oh yeah, and you can choose any amount of books - but five words from each of them.

Well, my next post will probably be about a craft, so stay tuned for that!



Crafty Muslimahs said...

Masha'Allah, can't wait to see the finished cross stitch! Also, the hollow book sounds like a great idea. I've always thought it would be cool to have one but never considered us making one ourselves - would love to if only I had more free time!

- Hanifah

Nusaybah Ahmed said...

Asalamu alaykum Maimoonah,

How are you and Ramlah?

I'm thinking of making a blog, would you be able to tell me what you made yours on?

Was it

Asalamu alaykum

Nusaybah Ahmed

Maimoonah Thadhani said...

@Crafty Muslimahs,
Sorry for the late reply!
Inshaa Allaah soon! I hope you have some free time soon :D

@Nusaybah Ahmed,
Sorry for the late reply!
Yes, I made my blog on Blogger. I hope your blog succeeds! Send me the link when you finish it inshaa Allaah!

Iqra said...

Assalamualaikum Wa Rahmatullah!

Hope you and your family are doing well!
I don't know if you remember me but I've been in a couple of aunty Umm Maimoonah's courses (hope to join the future courses!).
Your blog is so good and interesting, Allahumma Baarik A'layki, really enjoyed going through some of your blog posts. I might be older than you but I'm learning things from you, Subhanallah! I have always had interest in things like blogging, creating a website...etc. but sadly have no time for that.
Keep it up and I hope you post soon! May Allah bless you and your family in this world and in the hereafter! *flower emoji*


Ramadhan said...

Mashallah a wonderful blog.

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