بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم
Well, I haven't talked about Ramlah in quite a while. Oh, when was the last post? Hmm.... Monday, 6 November 2017..........
She is almost three years old, and the sweetest yet naughtiest sister ever!
![Food Groups Play Food | Main photo (Cover) nav](https://origin2images-rainbowresource.netdna-ssl.com/products/036686.jpg)
The food groups survived, the cans were made of THICK cardboard, subhanallaah I DID NOT read the description haha.
The paper labels on them were kind of half torn - blame Ramlah....
Other than that they were quite good and they are very durable Alhamdulillaah.
So she has her own little kitchen, arranged almost everyday by me (15+ minutes), and that kitchen is VERY small. Well, not VERY, but pretty small.
I took some pictures of it.
Those two phones don't work: they need chargers. That water bottle (the green one) is Ramlah's, and the blue one is empty. There are some cupcake liners that got glitter onto them accidentally so I am not sure if they are food safe. It doesn't matter anyway, they are crushed into cupcake plates.
That keyboard is for um... I'm not sure what but I guess it's to type up the orders. It's Ramlah's choice!
Behind the table is a sofa which is our restaurant (the dining part) - I forgot to take a picture of it.
Um... to the side of the table is another table. It's pretty small but here it is. It's the... um... part fridge part.... I don't know haha.
Sorry it's rotated the wrong way.
Next to that is the cupboard which I made myself with an old cardboard box.
I save up almost all the plastic cans we have. Well, so far only two...
I also sewed a lot of felt food.
For this post we both agreed to make... CUPCAKES! Our own recipe, some alteration from Ramlah and PLEASE PLEASE don't try this with real ingredients. I'm pretty sure you'll end up with a terrible taste.
Well, since we didn't have the Hot Cocoa tin, we went by hot chocolate. The pot with the red lid is um... sugar, the handmade (obviously) strange reddish pot is flour, that carton is milk, and that lemon's a lemon (can you guess it?), the banana is a ripe banana, that white thingy is an egg... well, a half egg. That's a pitted-cherry-tin on the far right. The mixing bowl... well... uh, it's a pot which has holes in it a drainer I guess. But um, never mind let's just pretend the holes aren't there.
By the way that's Ramlah's hands! So she put the butter in as above.
The sugar. I had to hold it for her so that um, the sugar wouldn't spill. You can't blame me, sugar makes a mess. *No real sugar in the pot*
Yes, she put the egg,
And the flour.
Almost like she's squeezing a lemon, huh?
OH HOW STRANGE that I said that! She imitated me and Ummi squeezing a lemon, oh yes some years (1 year) cooking with me in the kitchen, actually baking.
And she told me she was 'squeeeeeezing lemon'!!
Almost forgot the hot chocolate. And yes, it's Cadbury!
Yes this is the cherries. We pre-cut them up.
Breaking the banana
The milk,
Time to stir all of them together! *sugar, flour, milk and lemon all dissolved
We put the cupcake liners on an old torn foam book, our baking tray and lined it with three cupcake liners. In each one, she put in the different ingredients.
We carefully put it in the oven without spilling anything.
It's under the table! haha!! This was taken halfway through!
Out of the oven all nicely risen. I don't know if you can smell the DELICIOUS smell!
SURPRISE! She LOVES the cupcakes recipe and makes them again and again, only with different ingredients like chicken, meat, cheese etc.
Was this a bit of a boring post? When Ramlah wakes up she will love to see this post haha!
This was the most difficult photo shoot so far but pretty entertaining.
It was Ramlah who came up with the idea to put the ingredients ACTUALLY into the cupcake liners.
Now, I'll have to do a bit of work too. As well as that, I'll be working on gift ideas - that will or won't last a long time. Ramadhaan is just around the corner, and Eid is very near.
Inshaa Allaah see you soon.
ميمونة بنت عبدالله
Masha Allaah, Ramlah is so adorable,
Yes mashaa Allaah but so so naughty!
This is so cute, masha'Allah. I love how the whole stick of butter and half a boiled egg are just thrown in! Reminds me of when Sumayyah was little and we had to give her some extra dough and a rolling pin to keep her busy while we were baking. Funny how kids always want to 'help' when you're doing something important!
- Hanifah
Jazzakallaah Khayr! Oh she's just same as Ramlah. We usually make a 'ball' with flour and water, then toss it into a bowl and give her a spoon. Sometimes, if she's extra good, I let her stir the actual mixture that I am making. Oh and sidenote to myself, do NOT make anything without Abi, Ramlah's just so naughty!
~ Maimoonah
Asalamu Alaikum Maimoonah,
Mashallaah Ramalah is soooooo adorable alahummabarik you both are so creative mashallah.
~ Nusaybah
Wa alaikum salaam, Nusaybah. Yes, she is! Jazzakallaahu Khayr : )
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