بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم
Wednesday, 2/6/2019.
I made.... COOKIES!
Not just any cookies. Betty Crocker's CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES!
Sorry of the bad focus of the shots, I'm using my Abi's Nikon D500 which is very heavy (equipped with LARGE flash, even heavier) and I have no idea how to focus it.
First, I'm using Betty Crocker's recipe - Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookies - not very chewy if you're thinking about that. It's kinda crumbly but chewy cookies give me the feeling I'm eating cookie dough which is very unhealthy for you (I mean the dough) if you're thinking about it.
Here is the recipe so you can confirm my measurements:
I started by getting my ingredients - as a good cook/baker does, well, I am not so good a baker.
Wait, where's the flour?
Oh here.
And the egg?
See what I mean - not prepared.
So they do say 'in a large bowl', but I don't have a large bowl - pretty sure I don't. I have a medium. I put the white granulated sugar in, which is 3/4 cup if you're wondering.
Then measuring the brown sugar - you're supposed to put 3/4 cup, but I have 1/2 cup brown sugar. Alhamdulillaah I was expecting this and managed to substitute it - I'll come to that later inshaa Allaah.
I filled the rest with caster sugar - didn't want the granulated sugar not melting in the oven. Then poured it in:
Time for the butter. I use the brand Lurpak - very expensive, if you're thinking - and it's from... wait let me go check the label.
Back. Ok, it says: 'Packed in Denmark in the dairy' so I assume it's made in Denmark. Um, which dairy? Never mind. I don't live in Denmark.
Oh, where was I? The butter.
If you can read it - 400g. We need to put 1 cup. And... Here comes the problem.
I'm sure you've searched on google: 'gramms to cups' or 'floz to grams' often making spelling mistakes as you're desperate!
Okay - I'm always stuck in this situation.
Yes, I know the last one is for muscov whatever. But they say:
Not specific hehe!
But what I did was- 100 grams per cup of butter.
Do not do what I did unless you have lots of hand-eye coordination! REPEAT DO NOT DO THIS.
I cut it into half carefully then each half into half making quarters. Then I took one of the quarters and added it to the mixture.
Okay. Substitute for our brown sugar? and also for our vanilla essence which I finished... last month.
Honey. Pure, acacia honey. It's about maybe one or two tablespoons but you can use any honey. I poured the whole jar in, well not the whole thing. I wanted a fingerful myself too!
All poured in:
Then I mixed it.
The egg,
Stir until well blended - I did it by hand but you can use an electric mixer. I didn't want to wake my little sister!
Then I added the flour, baking soda** and salt.
Stir. At first it will look like this but please please don't panic! Dough will be 'stiff', they say. Pretty stiff.
To get that fine mix, I mixed it carefully with my hand:
And, let me tell you something - By the time I added the flour, it should have been kind of at the top of the bowl. and look at their picture please.

I'm using a medium sized bowl, wait maybe a large, but still, my mixture is barely halfway!? I mean even after I added the chips (not the nuts because it was optional) it WAS NOT MORE THAN HALFWAY.
Let's leave that. I added a whole 11 oz packet of chocolate chips and saved about 10 chips for Ramlah to eat.
Then you DO NOT need a cookie tray. I lay down a piece of very badly torn aluminum foil first.
And then professionally cut non stick parchment paper. (With the scissors)
And 16 or 12 cookies at a time with a rounded table spoon or roll into evenly sized small balls with your hand. Wait. They don't stick to each other. With the help of a teaspoon at a time of milk, make them stick to each other. Time consuming but it's worth it haha!!
Bake for 8-10 minutes - I baked mine for almost 13 minutes. My fault, I didn't preheat the oven till now.
Finished product - very very slightly burnt but OH so delish!
Cool for no longer than one minute - pick up by hand and toss in an airtight container. Even if you do burn your hand. Immediately seal - you don't want them turning hard as rocks.
And Ramlah woke up - was annoyed with me for baking without her, and calmed down when I gave her the packet of chocolate chips.
Look at her laughing now!
Sidenote on the chocolate chips:I got milk chocolate but I really really wanted semi sweet - I'm the only one in the house who loves dark chocolate better than white or milk. The price had dropped to 12.50 - before it was 16.50.
Not a lot of dishes to wash - I really hate washing dishes after standing 3 hours without sitting.
Yes, I said 3 hours. I'm A BAD BAKER. I took 10 minutes to double check the ingredients, take pictures, and another 10 minutes figuring out how to use the flash.
Okay. Let's review this product.
- The TIPS. It encouraged you to be creative - choose which chips you could use.
- The video. I'm a visual and I don't understand most things without watching AND reading. And pictures as well.
- Their bowl is full to the brim. Mine is barely halfway???
- The dough in the picture is STICKING together. Mine IS NOT - without the help of milk.
- Some reviews not positive.
And not so negative:These cookies are absolute garbage. First of all, this recipe calls for too much flour. Saying that the dough will be "stiff" is an understatement. It literally crumbles as I'm mixing and the chocolate chips/walnuts won't stick to it. I had to make another batch but this next batch had problems too. Instead of 2 1/2 cups of flour, I added about 1 3/4 which worked much better. However, when I added the two cups of chocolate chips, it was WAY too much. They literally fell off of the dough when they should have been all mixed in. I even thought to myself as I added them "huh this seems like a lot of chocolate chips" but stupidly I figured Betty Crocker must know what she's doing. I was horribly wrong. There wasn't even enough cookie dough for all the chocolate chips to stick to. I spent about ten minutes picking out chocolate chips from this dough because it was unusable. Finally, I put it in the oven to bake, but when the timer went off, they weren't even close to done. Eventually, I got them on cooling racks and cooled them for 2 minutes but when I took them off, they were hard as rocks!! Betty Crocker has failed me for the last time and you won't catch me using any more of her recipes. These were, by far, the worst cookies I have ever made and I would advise you against making them as well.
Okay - spent over one hour typing this. My hands hurt!pretty dang good, could do with eit)(er more eggs or maybe some milk? it was a bit dry, so i added some milk in. e)( i kinda did stuff up (my fault) but yeah. good in everyt)(ing else though!pretty good, could do with eit)(er more eggs or maybe some milk? it was a bit dry, so i added some milk in. e)( i kinda did stuff up (my fault) but yeah. good in everyt)(ing else though!
See you next time inshaa Allaah
Hope I didn't bore you!
Assalaamu Alaikum
These cookies are absolute garbage. First of all, this recipe calls for too much flour. Saying that the dough will be "stiff" is an understatement. It literally crumbles as I'm mixing and the chocolate chips/walnuts won't stick to it. I had to make another batch but this next batch had problems too. Instead of 2 1/2 cups of flour, I added about 1 3/4 which worked much better. However, when I added the two cups of chocolate chips, it was WAY too much. They literally fell off of the dough when they should have been all mixed in. I even thought to myself as I added them "huh this seems like a lot of chocolate chips" but stupidly I figured Betty Crocker must know what she's doing. I was horribly wrong. There wasn't even enough cookie dough for all the chocolate chips to stick to. I spent about ten minutes picking out chocolate chips from this dough because it was unusable. Finally, I put it in the oven to bake, but when the timer went off, they weren't even close to done. Eventually, I got them on cooling racks and cooled them for 2 minutes but when I took them off, they were hard as rocks!! Betty Crocker has failed me for the last time and you won't catch me using any more of her recipes. These were, by far, the worst cookies I have ever made and I would advise you against making them as well.These cookies are absolute garbage. First of all, this recipe calls for too much flour. Saying that the dough will be "stiff" is an understatement. It literally crumbles as I'm mixing and the chocolate chips/walnuts won't stick to it. I had to make another batch but this next batch had problems too. Instead of 2 1/2 cups of flour, I added about 1 3/4 which worked much better. However, when I added the two cups of chocolate chips, it was WAY too much. They literally fell off of the dough when they should have been all mixed in. I even thought to myself as I added them "huh this seems like a lot of chocolate chips" but stupidly I figured Betty Crocker must know what she's doing. I was horribly wrong. There wasn't even enough cookie dough for all the chocolate chips to stick to. I spent about ten minutes picking out chocolate chips from this dough because it was unusable. Finally, I put it in the oven to bake, but when the timer went off, they weren't even close to done. Eventually, I got them on cooling racks and cooled them for 2 minutes but when I took them off, they were hard as rocks!! Betty Crocker has failed me for the last time and you won't catch me using any more of her recipes. These were, by far, the worst cookies I have ever made and I would advise you against making them as well.
We used to love Betty Crocker's brownies and chocolate cake! Then our parents found out it was GMO and stopped us from buying them. We never tried her cookie mixes though; maybe they aren't as good?
Funny, in our family most of us prefer dark chocolate! We went to Torba yesterday, have you ever been? One of the venders was selling some dark/milk/white chocolate bites for 5QR each. They were very tasty, masha'Allah!
Crafty Muslimahs, never tried her mixes. I do most things from scratch, I'm that kind of a baker, and not that kind of cook.
Oh we went to Torba only once. It's pretty far and the last time we did go we missed everything. To make up for it, we went to the park nearby, played football with Ramlah, 'scootered', and ate the lemon drizzle cake we bought from Grassroots (in Torba).
Oh we should try and go there soon inshaa Allaah. This time early lol!
These are so good, I am not done baking them yet and we have already ate a couple dozen. I made them fairly small for a teacher appreciation lunch, so there is enough to go around, I know they will be a big hit.
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