بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم
The sixth Book Recommendation... it should have been six months, right? Let me check. It's been eight! O-o-oh, the time passes so quickly.
Book #1

I read this book yesterday having remembered this book from long ago and I completely forgot the title of the book and searched these exact words: 'twins baby shipwrecjed book'
YES, I wrote 'shipwrecjed'. It was a spelling mistake. And then I saw it. And remembered the title. A bit too late, don't you think?
Age Group: 8-14
Why I dislike it: There is some Jewish/Christian stuff in the book which can be easily crossed out and continued without the parts. I don't know if they are Jewish or Christian.
What I would change: I would cut off the un-Islaamic parts obviously and I think I would make everyone SPEAK properly and not like a pirate. 'Pieces of eight.'
Book #2

Age Group: 9-15
Why I dislike it: Well, there are some bad parts that can be skipped and crossed out.
What I would change: I can't remember the book - not really, but I remember Caddie had to ride to somewhere and try and warn someone. I don't think I will delete anything except the un-Islaamic stuff.
Book #3

Age Group: I read it at age 9. I would say... 9-12
Why I dislike this book: There were some un-Islaamic things in the book, I think. And the bad words, and the punctuation.
What I would change: The un-Islaamic stuff to Islaamic, and I would also make the books happier and not always on sad times. I also remember the lack of punctuation, which is SOOOOO annoying. I think, if I was not reading it online, I would have physically got my pencil and added the commas. And one thing you should know, there are one or two bad words in the book.
Book #4
I did a review on this book around three years ago. Though not on this blog, I was part of a group in Qatar, we all met at a location and I think, one day we had to go home, choose a book, read it, and review it. We were given some questions. One of them was:
If you were to rewrite this book for Muslim children like yourself, what would you change about the setting, characters, problem/conflict, or ending, and why? What would you not change, and why?
Age Group: I'm not sure. I guess about 8-14.
Why I dislike this book: Just the part about the running away. I haven't exactly read it in a while, but inshaa Allaah I will soon.
What I would change: I will say the nearest thing that I said at that time, now.
I would change the plot about running away. Running away worries the parents, and apparently, the boy didn't think of his parents who were quite worried all the time he was on the mountain.
Well, I can remember more books, more frequently, but I'll leave it for later inshaa Allaah.
I am thinking of making a bookmark to go along with the books. Maybe a hundred because I keep losing bookmarks and I don't use them. Now would be a good time to make bookmarks!
See you soon inshaa Allaah!
Mashallaah! these books are very interesting to read.
We will be very soon reading them ,Inshalllah!
I highly recommend this site for you as it has
sooooooooo many interesting and lovely books
you will WANT TO READ!!!
here's the link:
Mashallaah! these books are very interesting to read.
We will be very soon reading them ,Inshalllah!
I highly recommend this site for you as it has
sooooooooo many interesting and lovely books
you will WANT TO READ!!!
here's the link:
Assalaamu alaikum
Yes, they are interesting mashaa Allaah. Sorry for the late reply. The site you just shared - it is not free books, right? It says to pay. It is also more than three hundred USD per year! That is expensive. Jazzakallaahu Khayran for the site anyway.
Walaykum asalam Maimoonah,
Yes,it isn't free but some sites give
the whole library free.
I was referring to the free one.
Here's the link for the free library : https://www.cvlga.org/kids/tumblebooks/
I'm so sorry for not being accurate!
Lot's of love,
Assalamu Alaikum,
I haven't read any of the books on this list but I've heard of Baby Island before. Yes, Tumble Books is a great site and we especially liked it when we were younger.
- Zainab
Assalaamu alaikum.
Hanaah, I just checked the books out and they are pretty nice. Have you heard of Oxford Owl? It works pretty much like tumblebooks does, and I loved it when I was small.
Zainab, I hope you read them sooner or later. Have you heard of Oxford Owl? It is a pretty old site.
Oh, I've read all the books on this list.
I would say that i enjoyed Caddie Woodlawn the most and Baby Island the least, because I was a bit too old for it when I read it, and my tastes in books had changes, but it's still a sweet story.
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