Friday, August 30, 2019

Short Post: Puzzle #1

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 

 السلام عليكم

I am starting a weekly puzzle! I haven't posted in a while so I want to fill in the gaps until I can post a full post full of stuff.

The puzzle will be every Friday, inshaa Allaah.
The answers to this puzzle will be given every Friday.
If you guess a word correctly, I will reply to your comment with an affirmative or negative answer.

This week's puzzle:

1. it has different genres and starts with B  
2. a thing that speaks without words  
3. a four-letter word for ruler  
4. like water, can be thicker or thinner and has different flavours  
5. used by the angels, used to decorate, used to help travellers
6. what most people have today and it starts with 'CO'
7. smallest continent

Everyone in your family can post in separate comments!

To post, just write:
ETC, and type the answers in each point.

I am in a hurry, as you probably can tell, so,

Assalaamu Alaikum and once you comment I will reply!


Anonymous said...

1 Book
2 Hug
3 King
4 Juice
5 Stars
6 Computer
7 Oceania


Crafty Muslimahs said...

1. Book
2. Smile
3. King
4. Blood
5. Stars
6. Computer
7. Europe

- Hanifah

Anonymous said...


~ Maryam

Maimoonah Thadhani said...

Aisha: Hug, King and Oceania are wrong.
Hanifah: Smile, King, Blood and Europe are wrong.
Maryam: Smile and King are wrong.

Anonymous said...

Let's see if I can rub my last two brain cells for today together then, and re-guess.

2- Picture
3- Emir
7- Australia


Juwairiya Umar said...

1. Book
2. Sign Language
3. Emir
4. Juice
5. Stars
6. computer
7. Aus5ralia

Crafty Muslimahs said...

2) Actions
4) Juice
5) Stars
6) Computer

Maryam and Zainab

Maimoonah Thadhani said...

I'm not going to say anything else, except much are wrong especially Sign Language and Actions are wrong.

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