بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم

Forest at midnight
Dark leaves drip warmest liquid
Giant moths zoom by.
No, it's not prose. It's poetry - Japanese (three lined) poems called Haikus. I never really liked them, but, they ARE interesting. Syllables are a bit confusing.
I came across them at the end of my English book - just a page to go and I'm done - I can start on the next book. At the end of the page I had to write my own Haiku. Well, you probably know the rule of Haikus - 5 syllables in the first line, 7 in the second and 5 again in the last.
Dark leaves drip warmest liquid
Giant moths zoom by.
No, it's not prose. It's poetry - Japanese (three lined) poems called Haikus. I never really liked them, but, they ARE interesting. Syllables are a bit confusing.
I came across them at the end of my English book - just a page to go and I'm done - I can start on the next book. At the end of the page I had to write my own Haiku. Well, you probably know the rule of Haikus - 5 syllables in the first line, 7 in the second and 5 again in the last.
This was my poem... it's a pretty bad one.
Sandy hot wind blows
Scattering people like ants
Run for cleanliness.
You can guess WHAT this is - a sandstorm... or is it a mini tornado? That's up to you.
I can remember the last time we had a sandstorm, Ummi swept the dust up for a total of 4 times, because we forgot to close the window. Next time this happens, inshaa Allaah we WILL close the window.
On the road it would look kinda like this:
This doesn't happen very frequently in Qatar, Alhamdulillaah!
I don't really feel like doing book reviews right now, I want to review a whole book - point out the mistakes and all that. SO just to make up this time: Ummi did a review on her blog of some books I was given and I LOVED those!
Click here to view it.
I will be baking muffins today inshaa Allaah, maybe I'll post the (slightly) altered recipe and the cookbook I used.
Sandy hot wind blows
Scattering people like ants
Run for cleanliness.
You can guess WHAT this is - a sandstorm... or is it a mini tornado? That's up to you.
I can remember the last time we had a sandstorm, Ummi swept the dust up for a total of 4 times, because we forgot to close the window. Next time this happens, inshaa Allaah we WILL close the window.
On the road it would look kinda like this:

This doesn't happen very frequently in Qatar, Alhamdulillaah!
I don't really feel like doing book reviews right now, I want to review a whole book - point out the mistakes and all that. SO just to make up this time: Ummi did a review on her blog of some books I was given and I LOVED those!
Click here to view it.
I will be baking muffins today inshaa Allaah, maybe I'll post the (slightly) altered recipe and the cookbook I used.