بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم
As promised, here is the post before Eid.

This is basically an update of the things going on in Ramadhaan:
As I took the book from the library I didn’t know the heaviness of the sin even in reading books like this. I had never even dared to look at these Harry Potter series before, as my parents had totally engraved it into my mind that it is a form of shirk and that I shouldn’t even look at it. A friend of mine had recommended me to read it as she said its good and that the way J.K Rowling captivates the audience by her books is amazing. Another friend of mine had seen the movie and said that it was interesting to see it rather than reading it. I immediately gave up the idea of watching movies as I couldn’t watch it, especially at home. But reading a book seemed fine to me. I took it home and started reading it. For a second I thought my parents just wanted to scare me by telling me all kinds of horror this book contained. It wasn’t until that day my mom saw It on my bed and questioned me. I was very mad and told her it’s no problem if I only read it, at least I didn’t believe in it.
After reading this talk by Musa Richardson I understood that even reading it for fun or for time pass is disbelief.
· He said that a person who is pleased with the performance of magic although it does not harm him has left Islam and has disbelieved and does not even have a mustard grain of faith in his heart.
· Sometimes even reading a book can lead to kufr and doubts in Islam which eventually leads to eternally dwelling in the hell-fire.
· Magic is forbidden in Islam and causes a lot of harm to the society and that’s why Allah has commanded the magicians to be executed.
· If Allah has ordered the execution of the magicians, then how can we follow their books or enjoy their performances?
I always thought, why my parents are so strict in aspect to everything I do and now I have found answers to this in Musa Richardson lecture:
· The Prophet Muhammad sallahualyhi wasallam said, “All of you are shepherds and you will be accountable for your flocks.” The Prophet further said, “There is no Muslim servant who has been given any flock to care of, who has been made a shepherd and he does not advise them and protect them from evil except that he will not smell the fragrance of paradise.”
· This hadith tells us that it is the responsibility of the guardians or parents to protect their offspring about the evils in this world and to advise them beneficial knowledge if they want to smell the fragrance of paradise.
I realized that it was hard for me to concentrate on Salah and I often thought what was the cause for this. I used to fear if Allah had sealed my heart forever, then where would I go? I didn’t know this was the cause of my distractions in Salah. I have learned a lot from this and I pray that I never fall into these sins again.
The above is from one of Ummi's students and here is the link to the lecture:
I have almost completed the cross stitch pattern. What I mean is, I only did the leaves and finished a growing bud. Maybe I'll post a pic on Eid. Inshaa Allaah.
Oh, and we will be having guests for Eid, inshaa Allaah. Like last Eid! Remember the posts I did when I was small!?
COOKIES! I finished baking a load of cookies today, all ready for tomorrow!!! I used Betty Crocker's recipe, and the altered version!
HENNA! I will do for Ramlah too, inshaa Allaah!! When I was small, I really hated the smell of henna but now it is SUCH a lovely smell!
I have wrapped all Eid gifts, even mine! (mine is something that I really wanted for a year! I'm telling NOT now, but when I write my Eid post inshaa Allaah pictures provided!!)
We got something for Ramlah that was way too big to wrap, subhanallaah. can you guess what it is??
I have changed my blog design! How do you like it??
Well, thats all, for now and see you later inshaa Allaah (in other words, see you when I see you)
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