Sunday, June 16, 2019

Little update...

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

 السلام عليكم

Rosenblatt, Drip, Raindrop, Wet, Drop Of Water, Beaded

Forest at midnight
Dark leaves drip warmest liquid
Giant moths zoom by.

No, it's not prose. It's poetry - Japanese (three lined) poems called Haikus. I never really liked them, but, they ARE interesting. Syllables are a bit confusing.
I came across them at the end of my English book - just a page to go and I'm done - I can start on the next book. At the end of the page I had to write my own Haiku. Well, you probably know the rule of Haikus - 5 syllables in the first line, 7 in the second and 5 again in the last.
 This was my poem... it's a pretty bad one.

Sandy hot wind blows
Scattering people like ants
Run for cleanliness. 

 You can guess WHAT this is - a sandstorm... or is it a mini tornado? That's up to you.

I can remember the last time we had a sandstorm, Ummi swept the dust up for a total of 4 times, because we forgot to close the window. Next time this happens, inshaa Allaah we WILL close the window.

On the road it would look kinda like this:
Image result for sandstorm qatar 2019

This doesn't happen very frequently in Qatar, Alhamdulillaah!

I don't really feel like doing book reviews right now, I want to review a whole book - point out the mistakes and all that. SO just to make up this time: Ummi did a review on her blog of some books I was given and I LOVED those!

Click here to view it.

I will be baking muffins today inshaa Allaah, maybe I'll post the (slightly) altered recipe and the cookbook I used.


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