بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم
This is EXTREMELY late, but, well... never mind.
So, I didn't (COULDN'T) sleep on Eid, as soon as I heard the Adhaan I sat up and walked outside with Ummi, took a ghusl, and somehow got my hair dry - it usually never gets fully dry - it puffs like puff pastry unpricked. This time I didn't care about it.
And woke Ramlah up - she wasn't very grumpy, but she wasn't really good about getting up at 4.25 AM, so it is a crossbreed. I mean, a mix. She wore her new dress - I didn't take a picture of it but it is a light blue and a darkish pink. On first thought, you may think the combination would look horrible (!)
Everyone had a ghusl, so we left for the musallaah at 4.46 AM, pretty good because we are late for many things (so far not the Eid prayers - despite the crowd)!!
We found a good parking spot and walked to the musallaah following the Sunnah of the Prophet : ).
At this point, Abi went to the male's section and we went to the females. We made sure to bring our prayer mat, because we were praying on the road, literally! We went to the Lulu parking area, they had a musallaah. It was SO hot when the sun came out, even though it was the earliest morning! (not sure if this spellcheck is working, it suggested 'the earliest morning'!!)

We prayed and then listened to the khutbah and greeted each other: Taqqaballaahu minna wa minkum, left back home, we left early, so there was almost no crowd at the exit (there usually is).
We bought breakfast at a shop - it was light and the only breakfast I really ate on Eid. (I didn't eat much dinner the night before.)

It's called malu pan in Sinhalese (I THINK?) and you pronounce it maalu paan. It means, literally fish bun. We also ate curry roti which is spicy.
Then we entered the house (this really is very detailed, you know) and opened the gifts...
I got Super Scarab - one I've been wanting for a whole year:

By the way these aren't my pics.

And the Burmese Ruby is what Ramlah got. It's SO pretty! (Not as pretty as mine... no... equal!)
Then I read the Railway Children for the hundredth time and fell asleep.
I woke up at 1.59 PM and helped clean the house... did nothing really except dust the bed, make sure the drawers are clean, etc etc. LOL!!!
Then, our guests arrived and gave me and Ramlah another set of gifts...!!!
Mashaa Allaah they were VERY nice.
I LOVE this putty soooo much, I like glow in the dark stuff. And hypercolors!
For Ramlah, my friend gave her a special edition thinking putty:

Which is the cutest putty I ever saw! Ramlah was very happy and wanted to play now. But with the little ones it was almost impossible so she kept them in a safe place. She also was given a bagful of chocolates - mini kinder buenos - oh the taste of nutella! As well as the chocolate, she got a beanie-boo, one that was ever so cute! it was the owl called Owen.
We got assorted chocolates alhamdulillaah I love them all.
I got a coloring book too, not the coloring book that IS for kids but the one that is more advanced: Lost Ocean. I can't wait to start coloring it!

I made her some handmade gifts as well, and forgot to photograph them! Oops!
When they went we cleaned up the house and gave Ramlah her other gifts!
SO SORRY for the quality of these pics. The camera was in a bad mood and refused to obey.
A kitchen! I set it up by myself and some occasional directing from Ramlah. It comes with a few accessories like two mugs, two saucers, a ladle, a kind of a spatula and a tosser (I've no idea what these utensils are called), and well, please look for yourself!
I was so excited when I saw the phone on the box but really, it's just a piece of decorative plastic. It doesn't even stand up properly.
These boxes are cardboard but durable so far...
I actually thought this was a hairdryer but realized it was a...
TAP! hehe!
There's an oven too, the door doesn't close properly unless you push the sides together, which you can't be doing everytime you are 'baking'. Also, the grill tray falls when you put something heavy on top (really heavy!).
Wait... is there a real thing such as ORGANIC pepper???? I mean, how do you make pepper organic? like, do you put more chemicals (make it unhealthy) or make it less tasty?
This was the other gift she got. a cutting board and some fruits.
the cutting board is tiny!
Some pics on how she cuts a fruit (or veggie??).
Cooking soup for me - I'm hungry!
Baking stew... ????
Served breakfast here, yum! I really want this to be real!
Well, thats it for now because I already spent an hour writing this, no idea why it takes time but I guess without writing skills it would take more time? I don't know.
Alhamdulillaah for everything.
Assalaamu Alaikum.
Maimoonah Thadhani
Assalamu Alaikum!
I only just saw this post! SubhanAllah we have been so busy and have not had time to check the blog and stuff.
Maryam was very ill throughout the last week of Ramadan and we found out on the 2nd day of Eid that she had pneumonia. She is still in hospital and we're not sure when she'll be out, but insha'Allah she is getting better. Please keep her in your dua'as!
I just put up a post on some of our handmade Eid gifts. What were the handmade gifts you made?
- Hanifah
Wa alaikum salaam warahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu,
Subhanallaah. لا بأس، طهور إن شاء الله
May Allaah cure her completely soon. Aameen. And I will keep her in my duaas, inshaa Allaah.
Oh, will see them inshaa Allaah. I painted a canvas with the word 'thank you' in french - merci. And Ramlah made me dictate a letter to my mother.
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